Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Truth Is Out There!!

I'd be the first to admit that I may have been more sceptic in my past regarding to aliens and the siting of these.  I dont think I've ever doubted aliens existed, I just didnt believe that they have been here or are here currently.  I could even talk about the fact that we may originally be aliens ourselves.  How time can help the mind discover.

I'm a big X-file fan but always prepared the non-alien stories as I was preconditioned to think that alien believers were redneck hill-billies!!  Now I would go far as saying that I believe in the Gods rather than God, that is all religion and beliefs especially my own point towards worshipping Gods that came down from space.

Last week I had my first experience of possibly spotting something in the sky at night I couldnt explain.  Ive got in the habit of watching the skys recently in wonder and also trying to spot any changes etc.  I must admit the sky does look a bit different to me, I defo have the feeling that something very important and special is currently happening up there.
I'm curious to what chemtrails have to play in all of this.  It seems that it only happens in NATO or UN Countries (i'll research this further).  Maybe its to block our site of something, who knows???
Ive also noted alot more activity in the sky at night, seen what looked like two passenger planes follow each other a few nights back.  Wish I lived somewhere in the country to properly analyse the sky, especially sound

Anyway, on Sunday night I seen a star which looked very distant, NE direction, very high up.  It caught my eye as it had a different tint to it, maybe green.  I understand that stars can sometimes twinkle in various colours but there was something different about this.  As I focused on this I could see the star move smootly in what was a 'S' shape from top to bottom.  This movement lasted about 5-8 secs.  It is noted that this happened very high in the sky and from a considerable distance.  As it got to the bottom of the 'S' shape the light just dissapeared.

As this was late and so distant I am not 100% sure this is a definite action but I do believe it is very likely that it moved.  Lastnight at the corner of my eye I seen a flash from what looked like one of the stars, I near fell trying to spin around and see it haha

I think that Aliens and the universe and the sky above is one of extreme importance currently.  I'll post some links quickly

Heres the link to the possible finding of Alien life (fossilised bacteria in this case)

Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life — fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites

Anyhow, I came across an article on Discovery magasine, putting this theory as nonsense.  As far as I see, its not, but heres the other side of the argument below

Makes you wonder about how media is controlled and will controlled in the next two years

Oil War

Have no time tonight to fully go into areas surrounding the ongoing war on resources especially oil.

Easy to see, that the recent uprisings throughout the world are being used to fill the big-boys pockets even further the greedy fucks.   As the ever impeding doomday scenario creeps up into our minds, the big-boys have their plans and targets set out and its clear that nothing will stop them it seems.

IT IS IN THEIR INTEREST that the populations throughout the world are focused on areas such as Freedom, Finance and Democracy and in our own greedy cases what are we missing out in of our Wants never mind the Needs of the worlds population.  There are bigger plans being carried out currently we have no clue about, the next two years are massive in terms of discovering what on Earth is happening.

Anyhow heres a very decent article on how obama is preparign US-NATO on their real aims in regard to Libya

Stuff Your faces

Heres britains biggest burger folks!!  God Bless America

Get stuck into it our kid!!

Heres the story

80s Music

OK so I may be biased, I'm of course a child of 80s, bein born in 1983.  But theres no doubt that this has to be the best decade of music by a mile.

I've been listening to Absolute 80s the past few nights whilst working and its been great.  In my opinion over 90% of songs played are good, while around 40% are classics in my eyes.  There is such a good variety of fantastics songs.
Hits from 80s are far better than any current shite. Compare a Killers hit for example with the eye of the tiger, simply no contest

Some songs have ties to memories of me as a child but then again recently i have memories from 80s hits.  From my first tape 'Walk like an Egyptian' to sitting in a balcony daytime in ibiza intoxicated from the 2-day bender before, dancing for all to see to 'I'm still standing' by Elton John.  Theres something uninfluenced, happy and original about 80s music.  Chart music these days is absolute garbage.

Anyway, going to link a few 80s hits that come straight to my head

OK apologies if these songs dont originate from the 80s

Link up any favourite 80s hits you like below.  I think I may link up favourite songs of mine from time to time as well, why not!!

Hello Der!!

Feels like a longtime, but by God life can be one mental place.  Time seems to be going very fast, maybe its my unemployment status, but where did February go?

Anyhow, as previously stated, needed to be a bit more produtive on the job front this week, and this is one of many late nights I've had doing applications and preparing for interviews.   Dont even start me on some of the shit going on in my own life, but this may be elaborated on at a later date.

Very proud of myself in terms of getting back on track regarding job hunting, you really have to be on the ball to be efficient and effective.  The more you do the easier it gets. I'll maybe elaborate on job hunting in the next few days. 

Bit to do tomorow, but i've decided the next two hours are mine.  What to do, write blogs or watch tv or youtube documentaries, research topics etc etc

Off the drink for Lent so I'm guessing I'll get to be a bit more productive in the next month or two regarding blogs, research and findings

Alot of stuff I've found out this week etc but ive resisted the urge to put up blogs due to time restraints.  Seriously thinking I need even to find my finding s in a brief manner.  A bit hard with how my brain works