(*This relates to the 'West Belfast' song - Oh west belfast, oh west belfast oh west belfast is wonderful, ......Its full of tits, fanny and the IRA, oh west belfast is wonderful)
Who says I'm not informative, eh? Anyhow, if you've been wondering whats been happening and whats been going on my mind, I'll try and catch up with you's and more importantly myself.
Thinking now may be the time to start using this site to possibly help others wake up and start asking the relevant questions. Alots happened in the past 6 weeks or so, both internationally and also in my own life, I'm sure many of you's are in the same boat.
To start off I'll list some of the reasons I've been away;
- started a journey into another field of research, one which if I do not want to reveal now and one which wont be revealed for a while me thinks
- needed to sort out 'crap' issues, insurance, work etc, you know the drill, the usual shite used to tie me and you down
- Possibly, too much going on, within 'conspiricies' and the news, I've found it hard to concentrate and write in one area
- Most genuine probably is the fact the computer hasnt been in great form, now due to a very appreciated friend the computer seems better than ever
For the friend heres a wee link for you from John Cooper Clarkes
For the rest of yous heres a bit of advice I thought might work
Those who want to learn listen, and those who listen learn!!